Friday, January 8, 2010

A beatutiful rotational panoramic camera by Jean Faoro

Some time ago I wrote about the Voyager panoramic camera handmade by  Gildas Le Lostec , who is a member of CAP360, an informal club for panoramic photography enthusiasts, including streak chronophotography using handmade cameras.

Mr. Gildas provided me the details of two very beautiful panoramic cameras handmade by a former member of this club, Mr. Jean Faoro. Very unfortunately Jean Faoro passed away two years ago.

The first of the two is a slit-scan rotational panoramic design derived from the body of a medium format camera. The camera can accomodate a very wide angle lens and can take full 360 degree panoramas !!!!!

As you can see from the photograph the camera is electrically powered.

I thank Mr. Lostec very much for enlightening me about the work of this great camera maker.

I'll post about his second panoramic camera soon.

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