Thursday, January 14, 2010

Walter Dubronner's handmade 6x15

 Like many times before this handmade 6x15 panoramic camera was discovered in the most popular online auction site. The camera was made by Mr. Walter Dubronner. Though the lens can barely cover the 6x17 format,  to avoid vignetting the film is restricted to 6x15 format by (removable) masks.

The lens is a Schneider-Kreuznach Angulon 120 mm with helicoid focussing that provides focus adjustment from three feet to infinity. The body of the camera is made of aluminium and covered with a brown leatherette.

I sincerely thanks Mr. Walter Dubronner for providing information and allowing me to use the pictures of the camera. Further, he also provided me pics. and details of some more handmade panoramic cameras from his collection. I'll write about them soon.

Thanks are also due to Olaf Matthes for bringing this camera to my notice.

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