Sunday, December 13, 2009

Mamiya based 6x12 panoramic camera

This is a great 6x12  camera handcrafted by Steven Icanberry. This camera is based on a 6x9 Mamiya roll film holder. Steve added an automatic film counter and hence one can use 220 roll film as well,to  get 12 exposures per roll. The camera is easy to load, lightweight and well balanced. The present version is equipped with a Mamiya Sekor 75mm 5.6 lens. A newer version with Schneider Angulon is expected soon.

To know more about this camera and other handmade camera's of Steven visit his site

To see more pics of this and other cameras he made, visit the camera gallery.

I thank Steven for allowing me to use this pictures and for his encouraging words. Thanks are also due to Olaf Matthes for bringing this camera to my attention.

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