Monday, July 20, 2009

The Gakken stereo pinhole camera

The Gakken Stereo pinhole camera comes as a DIY kit. The Gakken is a Japanese company that makes novel educational and scientific toys. The Gakken camera is lens less and accepts 35 mm film. The camera body is made of plastic and it can take either a pair of 24X34 mm stereo or a single 24x72 (!!) panoramic. This makes it an ideal candidate for a stereo-to-panoramic conversion.

The camera comes with an instruction booklet written in Japanese. Most people found the pictorial description to be self explanatory, thus making the system quite easy to assemble. You can have a look at the instruction booklet pdf before buying one.

You can buy a Gakken camera from here or here .

In my next post I'll talk about panoramic conversion of the gakken.

I thank RPMDesign of for allowing me to use his pictures of the camera. For more pics visit this forum post .

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