Sunday, May 12, 2019

Meet Dick Haviland, the last film re-spooler man standing

I recently came across the following  nice article on Dick Haviland , who runs the film re-spooling company "Films For Classics". The article was published in  B&H's website.

You can read the article here 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

DIY camera articles by Mike Rignall

If you've  browsed the website , which  I mentioned in my previous post, then you might have found these DIY  articles  already.

To keep the matter short,  the website, which is a great source of information on stereo and panoramic photography, has a collection of several articles on DIY cameras. Most of these are authored by Mike Rignall which appeared in the British magazine "Amateur Photographer".

Follow the link to get the  full collection of these articles.

I've covered some of Mike Rignall's cameras in my blog earlier. Search for "Wideboy panoramic camera" in google and hopefully you'll come up with many instances of Mike's handmade cameras. Check some of Steve Cox's albums in Flickr too.

I thank Mr. Peter of for kindly allowing me to use these pictures. He can also be found at the following ebay store.

Panoramic art forms: Postage stamps

The smallest size by which  panoramic pictures can be represented for the unaided eyes, are possibly postage stamps. I came across these panoramic postage stamps   years ago but never managed to write about it. For me , those were great treat for the eyes and I believe that you too will much appreciate these little pieces of art. 

Have a visit to the site for many interesting topics on stereo photography and panoramics as well. You can visit their  store  to see the items they stock.

The full gallery of panoramic postage stamps and postcards can be found here.

I thank Mr. Peter of for kindly allowing me to use these pictures. He can also be found at the following ebay store

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Forthcoming posts this spring / summer 2019

I'm back  from the hiatus. Though other obligations impeded me to make new blog posts, I kept on gathering information on handmade panoramic cameras during the time of inactivity which I always do.

Most notably, I found a plethora of cameras made by Japanese camera makers and I'll soon write about them one by one.

I was planning for long to write a post on books related to DIY camera making and  found some very interesting books. I will soon write about them.

I'll also make some posts on non panoramic cameras, particularly on the 6x9  format.

Thanks for your support.

Manfred Graumann and his handmade cameras

Handmade cameras by Manfred Graumann  were the first ones to  capture my interest in DIY panoramic photography. I first came across his website in 2005 and was amazed to see  24x105 mm handmade cameras.

I wrote about Manfred Graumann in one of the earliest  posts in my blog. Over the time part of his website went defunct, and information on certain cameras were lost. Though, some information could still be salvaged using the "Wayback machine" site archiving tool.

Sometime ago I came across  reports on a camera show in Ratingen, Germany which featured Mr. Graumann as well. It was wonderful to see him going strong. May he live long and make new cameras.

I'm enclosing the links pointing to the event. The pic. in this post, with him holding a stereo camera was taken from the first link. In the second link you'll find him with his handmade 24x93 panoramic.;art220,658035

You can find another old newspaper report on him here.

I thank Mr. Klaus Gagel for allowing me to use this picture in my blog.