Sunday, May 15, 2016

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Folder to panoramic Conversion by Dirk Fletcher

Here's another new handmade panoramic camera by Dirk Fletcher.The technical details of conversion of this Zeiss  Ikon folder to a 6X12 panoramic can be found here

Dirk Fletcher has made many cameras including panoramic cameras over the years. The details of these can be found in his web site. For more pictures of this and his other handmade cameras visit his Flickr page.

Refitting a Globuscope 4X5

I recently came across this excellent piece of  technical description of refitting a Globuscope 4X5 camera by Dirk Fletcher

Dirk has built many cameras over the years and notably quite a many of them are panoramic cameras. The details of  these cameras can be found from his web site or his Flickr page

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Panormaic Photographer : Mark Capilitan

Enjoy the works of Mark Capitilan who extensively shoots with a Hasselblad/Fuji  XPan